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Online courses provide more flexibility than traditional courses. As a result, there are certain things to keep in mind that will help you succeed.

Plagiarism/Academic Honesty

As an online student, we expect your conduct to be exemplary. Mississippi College students are expected to be scrupulously honest. Dishonesty, such as cheating or plagiarism, will be regarded as a serious offense subject to severe penalty including, but not limited to, loss of credit and possible dismissal. Please review University Policy 2.19 for specific information. You are expected and required to work on your own unless your professor instructs you otherwise. Be particularly careful with using material that is not your own and without referencing appropriately.

Tips for Success

  • Print and closely read the course syllabus
  • Make sure that your computer and internet connection works appropriately
  • Don’t hesitate to contact your instructor-ask questions and make sure you understand her expectations
  • Manage your time-you will need to plan daily/weekly for sufficient time to read, study, complete assignments, participate in class discussions
  • Eight-week classes move twice as fast as regular semester-long classes. You must plan for that accordingly!
  • You're encouraged to have a specific time every day that you check your online course and your MC email.
  • Review the calendar in your course to see all due-dates ahead of time and totally comply with the instructors' deadlines and policy for turning in assignments